Anti-aging can be translated as “Anti-aging”. Anti-aging applications have become an important part of preventive medicine due to the increasing number of elderly population in our country as well as all over the world. The aim of anti-aging applications is to renew the skin tissue and connective cells, to rearrange the hormonal imbalances separately in men and women, to increase sexual power and health, and to provide early diagnosis and treatment against diseases that may occur as a result of aging.


In summary, the aim of anti-aging applications is to prevent diseases that may occur as a result of aging, to prevent loss of power and to stay young for a longer period of time.

How can skin aging be prevented?


Moisturizing the skin can be prevented to some extent by applying sunscreen lotions and creams. But it is not enough by itself. You should maintain the moisture balance of the skin with regular skin care. Botox applications can be made around the eyes from the most wrinkled areas in order to prevent or prevent the deepening of the formed wrinkles. It will be beneficial to stimulate collagen synthesis with light peeling applications. If there are signs of photoaging, if there are spots, you can have gold needle radiofrequency, fractional laser applications in front of it. If there are thinning and fine wrinkles on the skin, you will benefit positively from PRP and mesotherapy applications. If there is a deepening of facial wrinkles and mimic lines, it is possible to look younger with filler applications. If there is a slight sagging on the face and neck, non-surgical face and neck lift procedures with focused ultrasound, and spider web applications with thread will give positive results.


Remember that antiaging is a way of life. The better you take care of your skin, the more you will see the result.

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